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For those of you who have­n’t already heard, I ceased pub­lish­ing both of my news­letters—Ge­bor­en­er Deutsch­er, a newsletter in Eng­lish for German-born adotpees; and Das Adop­tions­drei­eck, a similar news­let­ter in Ger­man—as hard-copy per­i­od­i­cals many years ago. As an al­ter­na­tive, I es­tab­lished a Group on Yahoo! called Ge­bor­en­er Deutsch­er. When Yahoo! decided to delete all of the con­tent on its Groups ser­ver, I downloaded the files and am mi­grat­ing the data to a similarly named group on Face­book. Like the Yahoo! group, it’s pri­vate-access, so you will have to request membership; but while it may be exclusive, it’s not re­strict­ed! As a mem­ber of the group, you will have ac­cess to an ar­chive of back issues of Geborener Deutscher.

My online bibliography, The Readers’ Guide to Adoption-Re­lat­ed Lit­er­a­ture, had been updated through March of 2015 when I decided to cease adding new titles, for reasons ex­plained on the site. I will be keeping the existing data available for re­view and research, some­times adding new entries if/when I dis­cov­er any relevent titles published within the existing time frame that previously es­caped inclusion, so please be sure to check it out! (If you haven’t visited re­cent­ly, I’ve added a limited search func­tion, in case you’re look­ing for some­thing in par­tic­u­lar.)

In June 2018, I re­al­ized a lifelong dream when I moved to Frank­furt, Germany, fol­low­ing the deaths of my hus­band, in 2015, and adoptive fa­th­er, in 2016 (my adoptive mo­ther had passed away in 2010). I did not want to remain in New Mex­ico, and, while moving to another part of the U.S. was quite feasible, it would have required an amount of re­search that was rather daunting and discouraging; I likened it to trying to decide be­tween 49 dif­fer­ent countries, so dif­fer­ent are the in­dividual states, one from another. Plus, mov­ing to Ger­many has always been a goal I had re­peat­ed­ly ex­pressed, and so I put that at the top of the list. If it turned out that such a move was, in fact, im­possible, or oth­er­wise un­work­able, then I could turn to the op­tion of a domestic re­lo­ca­tion as a “fall-back” position. It was my great good fortune, as it turned out, that it was both possible and workable! But while my physi­cal address has changed, my email address re­mains the same.

Despite the significant change in my liv­ing arrangements, I continue to serve as the webmaster for the New Mexico search-sup­port group Operation Iden­ti­ty; and con­tin­ue to typeset O.I.’s news­let­ter, thanks to both data di­gi­ti­za­tion and the international con­nectivity provided by the Internet.

— William L. (“Bill”) Gage
February 11, 2020